Saturday, 18 June 2011

Effective Article Marketing - Tips To Write Better Articles

Effective article marketing is one thing that people deep down know how to do, but the truth is nobody really does it right. What most people do is come up with a quick title, write an article surrounding that title, add a little bit if good information and finally put in a link towards the end. Although this method works good to get backlinks it is not the best as far as converting traffic and the reason is because normally these articles are not completely planned out.

The first thing you must do when it comes to effective article marketing is to plan out what you are going to do. This means you need to write down a general title, give your article a structure (home many paragraphs, if there will be a list, and in what paragraph you want your link), and what the message is you want to send from the article. The reason why you need all this stuff is because you don't want to have to think about it when actually writing the article, the only thing you want to worry about is filling the article with great content as opposed to working on the articles structure.

The next thing you need to do is go back through the article and fix any errors that you have and add any information that you thought of afterwards. The reason why you need to do this is very simple, people don't like to read something with a lot of errors. Now that you have your article written just the way you want it, you then need to go back to the title and rewrite it. What most people do is leave the title alone but the fact of the matter is the title is one of the most important parts. My advice is to always make the title as direct and understandable as possible.

Tips to write better articles

Take time - If you are taking less than 5 minutes to write an article then you are not taking enough time. The reason I say this is because it doesn't matter how fast you write, planning takes time and this is one step you should not skip.

Write longer articles - Have you ever read an article that was only 250 words? I bet you didn't get a lot of good information from that, right? This is because you can't get a lot of information packed into a short article. My suggestion is to make your articles at least 400 words if not a little bit longer. Remember that longer articles are better, but some people won't read something if it is over 1000 words.

Give your link a purpose - Most people will just add a link into their article without actually thinking about how it looks and if it actually fits with the article. What you need to do is only give links to things people will click on because adding unrelated links is just a waste of a link.

Now that you know how to write better articles yo should have no problem making money quickly from the traffic you are going to get. The one thing you need to understand is if you don't do article marketing you won't get the traffic you need and because of that you will most likely not be able to earn fast cash.

Article Source:

VerneyWeb - Making the Worldwide Web Work Wonders for You

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