Saturday, 18 June 2011

How To Turn Internet Online Leads Into Loyal Clients

If you are an Online Internet Marketer and you have your Lead Capture pages all set up, your marketing has begun and leads are coming in. So what now? You need to beginning turning those online leads that you worked so hard and long to get into "Loyal Clients"

Converting leads into clients is easy if you do not fall into the same kettle of fish that so many internet marketers seem fall into. That is simply being to scared to pick up the telephone and call your prospects. Most marketers want to hide behind the computer and think believe that they do not have call or talk to a prospect ever again.

That Thought Will Cost You A Small Fortune

The problem lies around what is known as "the fear of rejection". I have been in sales for over 20 years and trust me on this one. The fear of rejection is very difficult to overcome. I mean nobody wants to pick up that phone and dial a number and hear that voice on the other end. And, somehow working as an online internet marketer you might come to the conclusion that this is one dirty little job you will not have to commit to. However, you need to make THE call. Call each and every person who signs up on your lead page(s). There are several very important keys that will help you escalate your business to the next level.
KEY 1:

1. The lead may be a competitor and just checking the online training competition. Sometimes they may even try to convert you to join their team!

2. The prospect may not be interested in your primary business and decide not to go with you.

3. The lead may just be looking to see if this is a scam and just have a ton of weird questions.

4. Or, they have no idea how to turn on a computer, let alone send out an email.

Your fear of rejection has nothing to do with the reason(s) the prospect contacted you. You will never know your prospects situation if you do not call. Once you know their situation you can determine if this is someone worth mentoring. Or, someone you only want on your list of prospects for list building possibilities
Make the call.

KEY 2:

CRITICAL RULE: When the lead answers the phone don't go on and on and on about you, your experience, your family, your income, your dead beat baby daddy or the local weather. Trust me, the prospects do not care. They want to hear about what you can do for them. Or, as I call it... WIIFM? What's In It For Me. This is where you need to review our key philosophy...Attraction Marketing.

KEY 3:

INTRODUCTION: Here is a brief script that I use when contacting my new prospects. You can revise it, print it and keep it handy and use it when you are actually on the phone.

MKTR: Hello, may I speak to < prospect name> please?

Hi My name is and I own an online business. I am not calling to sell you anything. I am calling because you contacted me several ago. You completed a form online in regards to our program requesting more information.

Briefly explain product/service information and benefits in one sentence or less.

KEY 4:

BUILD RAPPORT: Get them talking about themselves....

1. The reason they'd commit to your product. 2. The length of time they'd be willing to work daily/weekly to achieve their income goal 3. What benefits they like the best 4. Just how serious they say the are

Be sure to ask just what you can do to help them solve their problem(s) or issue(s) and make the commitment if you can..

Now switch the tables and take control...Remember that your prospect does not want to hear about you! They simply want WIIFM!! What's In It For Me! So give it to them here. Talk about all the benefits you have for them. For example how much money they could make, etc... And Listen very carefully making note of whatever they say.

KEY 5:

CLOSE: If they responded "YES" to any of the above ask the following question.

MKTR: If I showed you a killer system that would help you start generating hundreds of leads even while you sleep or take vacation, would you be interested in that?

Now ask 3 or more yes questions. Each time they answer yes they are making a commitment to you.

Give them your contact information including your email address and phone number.
Okay, what happens if the prospect does not answer phone? Leave a detailed message and contact information. Make the call count. Never just hang up. Then try again to catch them in person in a couple of days. If they do not contact you by returning your call place them on your contact list and go on to the next suspect.

Okay, what happens if the prospect did not give up a phone number or give you are fake? Transfer them directly to your list.

It is my hope that you have a lead capture page(s) online where prospects can opt in to and leave their details including that valuable phone number. If you don't have a lead capture page then you may want to opt in to the system that I use which creates attractive lead capture pages for you and trains you on the Top Producers in the Industries marketing strategies to capture a ton of leads.

With over 25 years of Marketing and Management experience D. Ross Curington has decided to put all effort and knowledge into helping others build their home based business for success. If you would like to learn more about how to succeed in the Home Based Business Industry, Direct Sales or simply how to get started, visit D. at

D. Ross CuringtonTeam Development and Training Specialist719-749-1522

Article Source:

VerneyWeb - Making the Worldwide Web Work for You

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